Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemțoi, 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy Ioan Nemtoi, Japanese Ioan Nemțoi, The holy spirit Ioan Nemtoi, Semne, Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române, 2020 pliant Ioan Nemtoi, Semne, Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române, 2020 afis
Artistul s-a nascut in Romania, la Trusesti, judetul Botosani, la data de 14 ianuarie 1964
A absolvit Academia de Arte Plastice, Bucuresti, 1991, Specializarea Ceramica, Sticla, Metal
Burse: 1991-1993 documentare în Suedia, la atelierele Kosta Boda, oferita de Academia de Arte Plastice din București
Membru al Uniunii Artistilor Romani din anul 1991
Expozitii permanente:
- 2002 / 2005 Artech Gallery, SoHo / New York – galerie privata
- 2000 / 2004 Nemtoi Glass Art Gallery, Elvej, Denmark
- 199 Galeria Nemtoi, Bucuresti, Calea Victoriei 126 – galerie private
- 2005 Galeria Nemtoi,Bucuresti, Hanul cu Tei, Blanari 5‐7 – galerie privata
- 2006 The Levante Parliament, Vienna
- 2016 International Glass Art Biennale, Haacht, Belgium
- 2014 International Glass Festival, Sofia
- 2013 Travelling lights, glass installations, FivePlusFineArt gallery – Vienna
- 2013 Das Metadekorativum, Dusseldorf, Germany
- 2012 Ikone‐Weib, glass installations, KunstART gallery, Bochum, Germany
- 2010 Glass Universe by Nemtoi, glass installations, Science Center & Library, Pecs, Hungary
- 2009 Who’s afraid of Glass?, glass installations, The Palace of Arts, Budapest, Hungary
- 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass?, glass installations, Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa, Italy
- 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass?, glass installations, Museums Quartier, Vienna
- 2006/ 2007 Who’s afraid of Glass?, glass installations. Tekne Gallery, Potenza, Italia
- 2005 1200° C, outdoor installation, spațiu public în fața librăriilor Carturesti, București
- 2005 Madrid 11.03,installation,Galeria Nemtoi, Bucuresti
- 2004/ 2007 My Extravaganza relocated, installation and sound surround, McLaren Technology Centre, London, UK
- 2004 My Extravaganza, installation and sound surround, and Bargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf, London, UK
- 2003 Water and Fire, installation and sound surround, Bucuresti, Muzeul National Cotroceni
- 2003 Genesis, installation, World Trade Center, Rotterdam & World Trade Center, Amsterdam Schiphol / Airport
- 2003 Kraft der Farben, decorative art, Jacob Bach Gallery, Düsseldorf
- 2003 International Art Fair, West Palm Beach
- 2003 Recipients Exhibition, Bucuresti, Galeria Caminul Artei
- 2003 Gaudeamus, Art Fair, Bucuresti
- 2002 Eden, installation, Romanian Cultural Center, Paris
- 2002 Betrayal, installation, Artech Gallery, SoHo / New York
- 2002 Kunst Palast Museum, Düsseldorf
- 2002 Nieuwegein Gallery, Utrecht, Netherlands
- 2002 De Smederij Gallery, Leerdam, Netherlands
- 2002 World Trade center, Rotterdan, Netherlands
- 2002 Exelmans Gallery, Maaseik, Belgium
- 2001 Galeriile Orizont, Bucuresti, Romania
- 2001 Galeria Simeza, Bucuresti, Romania
- 2001 Glass Art Fair, Fukuoka, Japan
- 2001 Glass Art Fair, Osaka, Japan
- 2000 International Art Fair, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2000 Formland Fair, Herning, Denmark
- 2000 Lineart Art Fair, Gent, Belgium
- 2000 Glass Art Fair, Leerdam, Netherlands
- 2000 World Trade Center Gallery, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- 2000 De Gallerie, Haga, Netherlands
- 2000 Vera Gallery, Drobak, Norway
- 2000 International Glass Art Exhibition, Alizay, France
- 2000 National Glass Exhibition, Galeria Simeza, Bucuresti, Romania
- 1999 International Art Fair, Bucuresti, Romania
- 1999 International Art Exhibition, Utrecht, Netherlands
- 1999 International Glass Art Exhibition, Tucson, Arizona, USA
- 1999 Glass Exhibition, Simeza Gallery, Bucuresti, Romania
- 1998 Expozitia de Sticla, World Trade Center, Bucuresti, Romania
- 1997 Glass Art Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
- 1996 Art Exhibition, Paris, France
- 1994 Art Exhibition, Gjovik, Norway
- 1991/ 1993 Expozitii in galerii private in Norvegia, Franta, Suedia
- 1991 International Glass Exhibition, Kanazawa, Japan
- 1191 Expozitie de Arta, Teatrul National, Bucuresti, Romania
- 1990 “16-22” Expozitie, Dalles, Bucuresti, Romania
- 1989 Glass and Ceramics Art Exhibition, Bucuresti, Romania
- 1988 Republican Exhibition, Bucuresti, Romania
Lucrările artistului IOAN NEMȚOI sunt prezentate în numeroase colecții private din țară și din străinătate, cum ar fi colecțiile private ale regelui Harald al Norvegiei, Vladimir Putin, Kofi Annan, Emma Nicholson, Prințesa Margareta a României și prințul Radu de Hohenzolern – Veringen sau Papa Bennedict
Colectiile lui Ioan Nemtoi sunt expuse in muzeele din strainatate, printre care enumaram:
- Colectia „Green Fantasy” – Muzeul Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, Germany
- Colectiile „Aphrodite” si„Poseidon” – Muzeul Waterland Neeltje Jans, Zeeland, Olanda
- Colectia „Bread and Fishes”, UNICEF Headquarters, New York, USA „Genesis”, White House, Washington DC, USA