PostModernism Museum

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PostModernism Museum este o platformă muzeală privată care produce și promovează proiecte de cultură contemporană și dezvoltă programe de cercetare culturală, cu focus pe domeniul artelor vizuale.

Ca producător și promotor de proiecte de artă contemporană, dezvoltă proiecte curatoriale, educaționale și de cercetare în artă. Printre proiectele expoziționale și de cercetare se numără: „De la propagandă la baby-boom”, „Înainte și după revoluția culturală în România 1971”, „Arhitectura socialistă în București”, „Centenarul femeilor în arta românească”, „Naționalism și multiculturalism”, „Minorități etnice în cultura vizuală din România”. Proiectele expoziționale pot fi vizionate aici. Proiectele de cercetare se regăsesc aici.

PMM a inițiat în 2015 DARE, un program de Documentare, Arhivare, Expunere și Revalorificare a artei produsă în România în intervalul 1945-1990.

Pentru alte detalii și colaborări suntem aici info at


PostModernism Museum is a private museum platform, a resource and education centre and a research publishing house. PMM produces and presents its projects and programmes in spaces around the world.

With curated art projects and a pool of various approaches of exhibiting modern and contemporary culture, PostModernism Museum is dedicated to the open conversation between the past and the present, the established and the experimental, being devoted to the culture of the 20 and 21 century.

The exhibition programme consists of group and solo exhibitions featuring modern and contemporary artists, national and international, and there is an equal dedication to ensure that these exhibitions are accompanied by a challenging discursive programme that is to strive to open a dialogue not only with the visual arts, but with a variety of disciplines such as theatre, economics, sociology, philosophy, creative industries.

Through its close cooperation and collaboration with artists, researchers and other cultural actors, PostModernism Museum aims to be an active participant in the international discourse on contemporary art and recent history, related fields and creative sector in general and to highlight current issues that are of concern to not only the arts, but also to society at large.

The first 3 years it operated within an own space, in Bucharest, being opened daily, with free entrance. From 2018 onwards it takes up a new model, opening to the public within different cultural spaces in Romania, institutional and private partners. The present model sustainably concentrates the curatorial, exhibitional and educational activities, tunning with the specific dynamics of the local creative environment and with the local cultural agenda.

All projects presented within PostModernism Museum are not merely objects exhibited but thoroughly documented initiatives. They all aim to mean more than an exhibition and to last more than two months. Collaborating with international curators and cultural entities, publishing papers, studies, books – all activities aim towards a sustainable consistent aproach of research in culture and creativity.

PostModernism operates a publishing house and disseminates its publications to Emag Romania, Amazon and other 39.000 online distribuitors around the world.

PMM joins and supports the professional training in creative industries in Romania, through the programme Formare Culturala. More, here

Professional principles under which we work are transparency, accountability, confidentiality and long-term partnership.

The executive team is best possible dynamic and energetic team ever, passionate about cultural entertainment. We value the diversity of our organisation and welcome staff from all sections of the community. The team working for PostModernism Museum is formed out of professionals in the field, each of it having extensive experience (between 8 and 20 years of experience in history of arts, curatorship, cultural management, administration).

Out partners are cultural operators with broad work knowledge and skills, in the Romanian context and European and international contexts.

If you would like to reach out, please write at info at